We deliver direct to your property, small or large amounts
FUEL4YOU was born out of a belief that we could do fuel better for you on demand, or at your convenience when ordered. At FUEL4YOU we are all about fuel convenience – we deliver fuel to your property while you work, rest or play. There is no need for you to be present – just phone us, or fill in an order for fuel, we’ll get it sorted!
We just happened to think it was about time something was done in the Waikato to make re-fuelling much less of a hassle. It’s just not worth thinking about how many extra hours you have wasted, or time spent trying to find someone to deliver your fuel on site when you need it. We reckon it’s time for a change as the BIG boys won’t play anymore!.
At the same time coming up with a viable business need, which not only delivers fuel but delivers fuel at your convenience, and with the added value of huge cost savings for you. We strongly believe we have come up with a better way of doing fuel.
Free yourself from the stress – join the FUEL4YOU revolution and get involved in changing the ‘not so good habits’ of a lifetime. We welcome your feedback to help us deliver on our vision. You are the life blood of our business that makes us PUMP! (LOL! excuse the pun!).
Relax… FUEL4YOU, quick, easy, hassle-free fuel delivered to you property today!
Hampton Distributors Ltd
Kevin Hampton
Mobile: 027 590 8177